In a circular queue implemented using an array of size N, what is the most efficient way to check if the queue is full?
(rear + 1) % N == front
front == 0
front == rear
rear == N - 1
In a circular queue implemented using an array of size N, how many elements can the queue hold at any given time?
It depends on the data type of the elements
N + 1
N - 1
In what scenario would using a deque NOT provide a significant performance advantage over a regular queue?
When implementing a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache with a fixed size
When implementing a job scheduling queue with different priority levels
When processing a stream of data in a First-In, First-Out (FIFO) manner
When elements need to be added and removed from both ends frequently
What is the time complexity of enqueue and dequeue operations in a well-implemented queue using a linked list?
O(n log n)
O(log n)
What is a potential drawback of implementing a queue using a fixed-size array?
Difficulty in searching for specific elements within the queue
Higher memory usage compared to a linked list implementation
The inability to handle a queue size exceeding the array's capacity
Increased time complexity for enqueue and dequeue operations
Which queue implementation is generally preferred when you need to prioritize elements based on certain criteria, leading to elements being dequeued out of their standard FIFO order?
Linked list-based queue
None of the above
Array-based queue
Circular queue
You need to implement a queue with the following operations: enqueue, dequeue, and find the minimum element in the queue in O(1) time complexity. Which data structure would be most efficient for this scenario?
A queue and a stack
A queue and a min-heap
A single queue
Two queues
Which of the following algorithms does NOT inherently rely on a queue data structure?
Breadth-first search
Level order traversal of a binary tree
Depth-first search
Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
How does the time complexity of adding or removing an element from the front of a deque compare to doing the same at the back?
Adding or removing from the back is always faster.
The time complexity depends on the specific implementation of the deque.
Adding or removing from either end has the same time complexity, which is typically O(1).
Adding or removing from the front is always faster.
In the context of operating systems, which of the following is a common use case for a queue?
Scheduling processes for execution by the CPU
Managing the order of function calls in a program
Maintaining the order of packets in a network router
Storing frequently accessed data for faster retrieval